Physical Rehabilitation Empowered


A revolutionary physical rehabilitation device that gamifies electrostimulation and electromyography for enhanced muscle development

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What is Actimus

Our innovative rehabilitation machine is designed to help you regain muscle activation and control, essential for a full recovery after injury or prolonged inactivity. We utilize a combination of Electromyography (EMG) and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) to measure and activate muscle groups. Our aim is to provide an accessible, effective solution that removes barriers to rehabilitation, especially for underprivileged athletes.

Why it matters

Millions of people worldwide lose their ability to move and function normally due to serious injuries, neurodegenerative diseases and age. Yet, there are current barriers to physical rehabilitation including high costs, travel needs, reliance on limited rehabilitation personnel, and the monotonous nature of existing rehabilitation. These gaps in accessibility and effectiveness mean that millions are left without the chance to regain their mobility, and ultimately, their happiness. Actimus is here to change that.

Our Path Forward

We are currently partnering with Bangkok’s largest government-run sports school, and we are integrating their feedback into our development process to optimize quality. In the long run, we aim to partner with healthcare institutions to further expand our brand, ultimately hoping to generate sufficient revenue to begin distributing to underprivileged individuals and changing lives.